Najnowsze wpisy

gru 21 2003 Cała ja....
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1. Copy this whole list into your journal.
2. Bold the things that you have in common with me.
3. Whatever you don't bold, replace with things about you.

01. i am too young for everything.
02. I'm listening to the Beatles.
03. I like lighting fires that will never damage my own possessions.
04. I don't fit into any high school stereotype
05. I like autumn.
06. I think The Cheat is the best.
07. I need more friends.
08. I hate when people TypE LyKe D1s.
09. I woke up suprisingly early.
10. I don't love enough people.
11. I own a cell phone that's seldom used.
12. i like getting sympathy from other people.
13. i have no job.
14. I don't read enough.
15. I awoke well.
16. I wonder sometimes if I've made the right decisions with my life.
17. I have no idea what to do with my life.
18. I have a lot to learn.
19. I was stabbed with a pencil in the arm in sixth grade.
20. I sometimes like to watch the rain and think.
21. i stare too much into blank space.
22. I wish rivers cuomo would make music again.
23. I love hugs.
24. I am a very fast typer.
25. i need to make mix cd's more often.
26. I think I have short term memory loss.
27. note: look up hypochondriac.
28. I'm never happy with who i am.
29. I'm constantly frustrated with people.
30. I love animals.
31. sometimes, i need a vacation from home.
32. I'm not ready to think about spending the rest of my life with someone specific.
33. I love milk.
34. The only show I've been watching lately is Joan of Arcadia.
35. I've been leaning towards Zen Buddhism.
36. i hate wearing socks to bed.
37. My right hand nails are always longer than my left.
38. I've never been surfing.
39. i went snowboarding twice, and came home aching.
40. i am socially inept.
41. I put giving and receiving on the same level.
42. I don't know where the galapagos islands are.
43. i love living near cities.
44. The only accessory I wear is a watch.
45. there is no such thing as spending too much time listening to music.
46. I think the sound of my computer is comforting.
47. i have lived in the same house my whole life.
48. I get embarassed when I don't know the meaning of a word that everyone else does.
49. I still watch cartoons.
50. I wish I could drive.
51. I love records.
52. i need a job.

53. I love to find money in my coat pockets.
54. I whistle at the wrong times.
55. i don't always prefer warm weather to cold weather.
56. I have no idea how much I weigh.
57. I don't like close-minded people.
58. Drinking orange juice and then throwing up is the worst thing in the world.
59. I think wes anderson is a genius.
60. i don't think tara reid is attractive at all.
61. i find too many people attractive.
62. I'm so glad i don't attend catholic school anymore
63. I overreact about things ALL THE TIME.
64. i like indian (as in india) culture.
65. i want to live outside of the country one day.
66. I occasionally like to be alone.
67. I can't remember the last time I went to church.

68. i love penguins.
69. I think bush has the potential to get worse.
70. i miss john lennon.
71. I spend a lot of free time at school in the library.
72. I am a horrible procrastinator.
73. I am drawn to intellect and humor.
74. I like to be the only person I'm responsible for.
75. I hate when people do things just to look important.
76. I like 60's folk.
77. i read "choose your adventure" books as a child.
78. I don't think chickens have fingers.
79. i appreciate proper grammatical usage.
80. I'm a boring person until you get to know me. very, very well.
81. i've never done cocaine.
82. I need aspirin.
83. My hands are cold.
84. I want to visit new york.
85. i complain too much.
86. Sometimes I think to myself, "Wow. People are really fucking stupid".
87. I like disneyland.
88. I like to sleep.
89. I'm wearing old navy boxers.
90. I think guacamole is the answer.
91. I can't stand ignorance.
92. i think a time machine is the answer.
93. I have girl problems.
94. i have the most annoying laugh ever.
95. i want snow, now.
96. I think I am a waste of my own time.
97. I don't think mad tv could get any worse.
98. I'd like to know someone named rufus.
99. I hate shots.
100. I vote yes on gay marriages and toothpaste.
101. I'm a big fan of Winnie-the-Pooh.
102. As a child i've stolen my friends Barbie.
103. I coludn't live without maths.
104. Elvis is alive!
105. I 'd like to change my appearance.

kwiatki-karolinki : :
lis 19 2003 "I'm not your sister, you are not my brother,...
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Było baaardzo duzo rzeczy do odkrycia, lecz wczoraj kochanie pomogłeś mi odkryć to czego chyba zawsze szukałam..., to co jest najmilszą rzecza miejscem na swiecie !! Nie wiem co powiedziec, bo sam widziales moja reakcje tamtego wieczoru... To mnie juz na bank utwierdziło w przekonaniu , ze jestesmy dla siebie stworzeni... baaardzo cie kocham!!

A teraz wiadomosci najswiezsze..!!

Jestem zagrozona z 2 przedmiotow : polski ( z ktorego nie mam zadnej pozytywnej oceny, w sumie 7 lask) , historia ( 2 laski i nie pisany spr!!) ale spoko poprawie sie. Jakby to czytał pewien moj kolega fajny to powiedzialby tak, ze przynastepnym spotkaniu nakopie mi w ...pupe :D Chociaz ktos  sie o mnie martwi:D zartowalam, oczywiscie nie wspominam o cukiereczku, ktory jak sie dowiedzial od mojego taty ile mam lasek z polskiego, przejal sie bardziej odemnie, ja za to maial m totalna beke, bo wiem ze sobie poradze!!

W niedziele jest 18-tka w nonie mojego kofanego kolegi Saja, wiec jezeli jestes z mojej klasy , przypomne 8 c Samorządowej Szkoły Podstawpwej im. Kornela Makuszyńskiego nr 18 W Gdyni, to prosze o pilny kontakt, bo mam misje: zebrac fajnych ludzikuff z klasy i razem isc do Saja.

A teraz zegna i do nauki, zeby starzy nie pierdolili , buzka 4 all :*

kwiatki-karolinki : :
lis 16 2003 Witam ponownie i bez żadnych tajemnic !!
Komentarze: 2




kwiatki-karolinki : :